Saturday, March 24, 2012

putting tips

keep arms soft.
right arm powered
align with head looking at flag vertically straight down.
trace line back.
keep head still
make sure alignment is good, feet, hips, shoulders, especially head should be right over line and parallel to club path.
clubbed must pass over spot that right eye is focused on.

pre shot routine
blow air out
focus on area in front of ball that you want ball to roll over with right eye especially.
concentrate on visualizing ball going into hole and stroke with soft arms.
finish swing.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

golf machine lesson 8

driver swing is different than the rest
remember the backswing has to be flatter
right hand should point at ball during backswing after club swivels up.
continue to focus on one piece takeaway.
keep arms fully extended.
body turns on backswing so arms have room to swivel down.
Tendency is to lunge at ball. Relax as much as possible and let arms swing through.

DRIVER SWING IS ONLY SWING where clubbhead reaches ball FIRST! clubhead before hands!
clubhead passes hands before ball.
in order to accomplish this, swing should be "U" shaped rather than "V" shaped.
The hands need to start early.

Things to work on.
follow through continues to be steep
Need to also work on swinging in to out.
Focus on right eye dominance and picking spot before starting swing to assure club path and also shaft stability.
Swoosh after the ball-momentum peaks at different spots for different clubs! only driver is before ball.


Thursday, March 8, 2012

golf machine 7

one piece takeaway. still have a habit of rolling left wrist

preshot routine-no tension
two practice swings, then step up to ball, exhale, take smooth swing

alignment. still tend to align way left. remember to concentrate on foot line during take back to stay on line.

maintain right shoulder back and keep arms in front of body during downswing. don't lunge at the ball.

visualize ball in different places to allow proper release.
ball 1 foot back for driver. right on ball for hybrids. 4" forward for irons.
swing in to out.

tendency to come up too quickly. swing through the impact zone.