Sunday, June 21, 2009

swing thoughts

aiming point ahead of ball
get hands to aiming point before clubhead to maintain angle (no flip)

manzella youtube episode 1
slap at the wall with left backhand, maintain angle (no flip)

weight shift
rotate left forearm

slicefixer 9-3 drill. do this over and over.
make sure body swings club rather than arms.
club in fingers of right hand.

Friday, June 19, 2009

why i love caddies

dang they make the game easier, esp on courses you don't know that have a lot of mounds.
-i always learn at least one new shot from them.this year it was (1)the putter from the junk blast out and (2)the wedge to the backstop green and roll it back to the hole instead of flopping it short-those guys are like ball bloodhounds-i brought 51 balls with me for 8 rounds and i returned with 3 dozen +, which is a minor miracle although it is harder to lose balls when the fairway is 100 yards wide. i did manage to lose some though when the line we picked was a little too conservative and i ran out of fairway. also that helps to keep the scores down.-if you are walking, it really helps to not have to rake the bunkers or carry your bag-they have great stories to tell-pace of play much better, can give you aiming lines when you have blind shots. can also keep an eye on the ball to see where it winds up for you while you are behind the mounds. i think next year. i need to be a little more conservative about where i hit it too distance wise if i can't see above the mound to know where the ball winds up.-help keep scores from blowing up -really help with distances in the wind-really help with distances to carry hazards-really help with distance to front of green on courses you don't know and when you have to leave it short of the green. the gps were nice for front of the green. i hadn't considered that before. lasers are nice for the flag but at bandon you aren't going at the flag too often. also in the wind the lasers can have trouble locking on.
i think green reading is very tough for the caddies. so much depends on how you strike the putt and the speed you pick. when you are putting for 20 yards away (or more) the speeds can be off a considerable amount. after 6 rounds they were doing much better than early on. still, everyone was burying long putts. very fun.

bandon dunes

caddies are great!
dane and jeff wilson next year

pick a line off the tee. can be a very left line to leave a margin for slice and possibly get a good line into the green.

short backswing, long follow through.
especially for putts.
tempo tempo tempo

won low net this year. fells great. going for 'a' flight next year.

Friday, June 5, 2009

range discoveries

tempo tempo tempo-one potato, two potato (strike ball on two)
take narrow stance, slightly open for wedge, square for longer clubs. keeps weight from shifting back.
head still! head still! head still!
focus on following down the line
slow backswing to top, make sure you lift club high enough and rotate club open
shift weight forward and let arms follow (don't swing arms), leg driven swing

start with short backswing, set and weight forward
middle length backswing, set and weight forward
feel the shot and then step up and swing!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

chipping discoveries

lie is incredibly important. club may be grabbed by grass. look at direction grass lies in. decide first whether you can bump and run or whether you have to fly it there.

check green for ridges and slopes. sometimes knowing it will run past 8' is better than worrying about it running down the slope 20'

range discoveries

whippy-use it!
don't stress the shaft with regular clubs. good things will happen.
stay level. keep head still

chase ball down the line-helps a lot
when ball flies to right and looks like push, it is because left side stopped turning. finish the turn.

finish backswing and
hit the ball with the pivot