Thursday, April 30, 2009

practice session

putting-watch right hand grip esp thumb and index finger. thumb down grip, index finger with rest of fingers
separate hands slightly--no overlap
practice swinging it to distances 1/4 way there, 1/2 way there, 3/4 way there, all the way there
tempo tempo tempo
keep clubface square and moving towards line (cup for short putts)
keep follow through low
remember to keep coke can between forearms.
imagine wine glass on putter head
keep right wrist flexed greg norman secret

imagine arc of swing, compressing ball
then backswing on that arc--very higher than i would do naturally
toss club, make sure not to cross the line
tempo-pitching wedge swing
swing right arm through down the line.

continue to work on chipping with dead hands, right arm follow through down the line
short backswing
balance wine glass on clubhead

don't open club too much. finish swing. bacon strip divot in sand.
follow backswing arc, see above
keep weight forward, don't sway back. don't close the clubface on downswing.
keep coke can between forearms

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

putting lesson

went to address the 4 putts i had yesterday
good news-first par of season, first sandie, good driving day, good iron day

learned that right hand keeps taking over, leading to inconsistency with tendency to miss sweet spot and pull putts left.
work on right hand grip, particularly keeping thumb on top and index finger underneath, and grip relaxed
extend right arm on follow through
let gravity swing the club
set up 2x4 to practice follow through

remember-practice putts at 3 speeds and read different lines as appropriate.
on long putts, focus on distance, not on the line.
keep putter square through impact and on follow through.
continue working on same preshot routine.

turn body back
short backswing
right wrist bent (greg norman's secret)
turn body through, arms passive, will compress ball
extend arms on follow through

Saturday, April 25, 2009

practice session

remember to chip and putt with wrists set as described in watson's book. keep left elbow stable. these things dramatically reduce fat shots.
set weight to left. feet slightly open. focus on line.
remember backswing-don't let club get too low on backswing.
tempo is very important.
let right arm swing through

work on putting preshot routine
visualize distance from behind ball on line.
toss ball there.set up next to ball take practice swing. focus on line
set club down. take stance.
swing. tempo very important.
let right arm swing through.

Friday, April 24, 2009

practice session and full swing lesson

stand behind ball
pick line
pretend to toss ball to hole
set up and practice putt while looking at target
put putter down and then putt

putting and chipping
remember to keep weight forward
eyes 4" in front of ball
let gravity pull club forward
keep coke can between wrists
right arm through

full swing
remember to keep weight from swaying
all swings should be wedge swing
lift clubhead early and then toss up
lay club off since tendency is to cross the line
wedge swing through-coke can between wrists
right arm through.
eyes 4" in front of ball
especially with driver may need 6-8" in front of ball--wedge speed/relax!

keep weight forward--this is an arms swing
take club back slightly outside
focus on entry point, ball forward in stance, forward of normal place where club hits ground
turn chest through and finish shot!

Friday, April 17, 2009

work on one thing at a time

golf fix with nick faldo
saved on my tivo
basically i need to be careful to pick one thing to work on at a time and stick with it.
for example if putting-work on distance control
do not worry about line, work on line another visit

pretend can of coke between wrists. keep arms extended, gravity will swing club.
gauge distance first before stepping up to ball. pretend you are throwing ball to hole.
step up and swing.
focus on keeping face square

full swing today
work on takeaway only start club on line with slight rotation of face to open, then toss club up (tuck right elbow)--use mirror to make sure staying on plane.
go slow on takeaway.
weightshift and let arms follow

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

full swing lesson today

duck hooking and pushing shots

what we found on video was that i was taking it back inside and with a very shut face the whole way. i made it even worse by crossing the line at the top.

fix-like charles barkley
swing up and then flip right elbow so that club stays outside hands
flip club over right shoulder with club laid off
and then turn body, arms will follow

sand shots
focus on entry spot
make sure to keep weight down (don't lift), keep weight forward, swing down line, knocking tee out from under ball, DO NOT FLIP AT BALL

widen stance slightly
shorten backswing-just need little flip
sort of like peter jacobson talking about ferris wheel swing.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

chipping lesson today

hold club really upright. really upright. get heel off the ground completely.
this will keep you from stubbing and hitting fat shots.

Friday, April 10, 2009

lesson today

clubhead very closed-need to open clubface a little on backswing
practice with wide stance
get over to left side! rotate around arch of left foot
keep arms relaxed
focus on keeping club in fingers

remember pace--put a number on pace, maybe 50 mph
think larry mize

Thursday, April 9, 2009

first lesson after winter

practicing indoors leads to flat swing plane and inside takeaway.
watch for this.
shawn clement on weight shift.
this is critical for my swing.
toss the club back.
fall forward onto left heel.
then forward weight shift occurs around left arch for stability--butt rotates away from ball back to midline (stays on tush line) as chest turns/ arms go forward for balance.
turn chest, let arms fall.


look at larry mize tempo!
focus on getting tempo you want. assign a number like mph
10 then 20 then 30 and then remember to focus on matching that tempo

when chipping and putting-remember to practice swing and focus on where you want club to end up. then step up to ball, look at target, and swing.

putting routine-swing and get feel for distance you want
align clubface, then right foot, then left foot, look at target spot, and swing.

don't grip in palms
watch right index finger, think of holding ball between grip and right index finger (golfwrx pureballstriker). let club drop into place during swing. maintain forward press. like painting the ground with the club.
focus on spot few inches in front of ball to contact ground with club